
The Cats Whiskers. Animal Care

The current owner has owned this business for 6 years. The business currently has an active data base of 830 clients with the business looking after upwards of 100 homes during the peak summer season.
The company predominately provides a home visit service to check on the cats and feed them whilst the owners are on holiday.
In the off season, the owner does the visits on her own and generally works 5am to 8am and 4pm to 6pm. Over the busy periods, the owner employs up to 10 casual staff and spends her time managing the staff.
With the current constraints on distance, the owner mainly operates City side of the bridge and up to the North Shore. There is the possibility to appoint area licensees in other areas and in that way expand the current client base as well as add to the income stream.
The other possibility would be to utilise the extensive data base to look at value added products.
Current accounts show an income to the owner of around $50,000 per annum, certainly with room to grow further with the addition of value-added services.
Well priced at $70,000 which includes all IP as well as a branded vehicle. 

Thank you for your interest in this business. Please do not hesitate to request further information or help regarding this opportunity.


State Auckland
Price SOLD
Business ID 9779
Category Services

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